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HOME제품소개본피감속기A - Helical bevel gear motor
A - Helical bevel gear motor
Type Torque Nm
A 05 100
A 10 150
A 20 250
A 30 410
A 35 600
A 41 850
A 50 1,500
A 55 2,000
A 60 2,800
A 70 5,000
A 80 8,000
A 90 14,000

When efficiency and versatility meet each other.

The A Helical bevel gear motor series is the first product to prove equally good in regard to efficiency and versatility within a highly competitive context, both performance- and price-wise.

Mechanical rating
0.22 ... 150 kW
Gear ratios
5.4 ... 1715
Main gearbox options and versions
Reinforced bearings for higher overhung load capacity
Reduced backlash
Torque arm
certification for explosive environments
Feet and shaft mount - two Hollow shafts dimensions for each size
Keyless shrink disc fitting
One/double sided and metric/Inch solid output shaft
Quick fit versions (taper bushings matching more shaft diameters)
Splined hollow shaft to DIN 5480
IEC-NEMA normalized motor adapters
Servomotors adapters with or without keyway
Solid input shaft - inch or metric dims
Applicable ac motors
Integral motors and brake motors - M/ME/MX series
IEC-normalized motors and brake motors - BN/BE/BX series
Single and dual speed motors
Main brake features
DC and AC supply
Different brake engage/disengage electronically controlled
Controlled AC/DC rectifier type SB, NBR, SBR (options)
Main motor options
Thermistors and thermostat sensors
Indipendent forced cooling
Incremental, sin/cos absolute single/multi-turn encoders
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